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'She's hovering around the 7 stone mark': Cheating rumours take their toll on Demi Moore as her weight plummets

By Marcus Barnes

Weight loss: Demi Moore's face and body look remarkably thinner in the photo on the left taken at a recent event, compared to 2006

The stresses of revelations about her husband's alleged infidelities appear to be taking their toll on Demi Moore.

According to a recent report the actress' weight has plummeted in recent weeks, apparently dropping to just 7 stone.

The weight loss has been evident in recent pictures of the 48-year-old who appears to be far slimmer than she was a year ago.

Demi stands at 5'5", so if reports are correct and she's just 7 stone, she's well under weight for her height.

A story in Grazia magazine makes the claims, using quotes from a witness who allegedly saw Demi at a cancer fundraiser event in New York.

The source alleged: 'She looked so scarily skinny. Her hip bones were jutting out so much, you could see the outline under her dress. She made Jennifer Aniston look big.'

The magazine then quotes an apparent friend, who claims: 'She's hovering around the 7st mark at the moment.'

Alleged encounter: it's claimed Sara Leal slept with Ashton Kutcher last weekend

Demi's marriage to funnyman Ashton has hit the rocks after allegations concerning his alleged cheating.

A witness present at the actor's lavish San Diego hotel suite on the night he is alleged to have cheated on Demi claims Kutcher yelled for vodka as he languished naked in a hot tub with four similarly bare young women.

The 33-year-old actor should've been preparing to celebrate his sixth wedding anniversary with Moore, 48.

But instead its claimed he enjoyed the company of 23-year-old Texan Sara Leal, with whom he is alleged to have had sex that night in his suite.

Downcast: Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were still wearing their rings, together at Kabbalah last week despite recent cheating allegations

Jacques Du Toit, a South African yacht worker, described the sordid scene at the £2,500-a-night ‘top of the rock’ Diamond Suite at the Hard Rock Hotel, to a friend.

Du Toit told close friend Gavin Naumoff, 23 , how he hot-footed to the 1,200 sq ft suite, which features an outdoor jacuzzi, after his girlfriend told him she was attending a party in Kutcher's suite on September 23rd.

'He was concerned,' explained party promoter Naumoff to the Mail on Sunday.

'Jacques is the boyfriend of one of the girls partying with Sara that night, Alexis. He wanted to make sure she was behaving herself.'

Before the allegations: Ashton and Demi are pictured together this time last year

But The Mail revealed that it was the pretty blonde from small town McAllen in Texas, who stayed behind that night, before going on to uncover the humble origins that propelled her into the seedy set-up with the married millionaire.

Naumoff recalled the scene that night as Du Toit painted it: 'Alexis told him Ashton’s room number and when he got there, a bodyguard was at the door who said it was a private party. Jacques explained he was the boyfriend of one of the girls and was let in.

‘He found Ashton in a hot tub on the balcony with Alexis, Sara, a girl called Katie and another girl called Marta. They were all naked. Ashton invited Jacques to join them in the tub.

Apparently, Ashton said, 'Yo, where’s the vodka at?' and Jacques was like, ‘'It’s over there but I’m not going to get it.' So Ashton gets out to get the vodka and that’s when Jacques saw he was butt naked.’

Acknowledgement?: Demi sent this tweet soon after allegations of her husband's infidelity made the news

The alleged sexual encounter took place that night after everyone except Sara and her friend Marta had left.

‘Sara is telling everyone 100 per cent that she and Ashton had sex,’ claimed Naumoff.

‘Jacques and Alexis are two of my best friends and Sara is a good friend. If she says she slept with him then I think she’s telling the truth.’

Naumoff, who arranges for good looking girls to be shipped to certain hotspots, also told the newspaper: 'Sara’s a great girl. My job is to round up hot girls and bus them into clubs in San Diego or Vegas.

The girls get free booze, food, whatever, and they attract rich and famous guys to the clubs. It’s a two-way street. The girls get to meet rich men and the guys get what they want.’

'Which is? ‘Sex, obviously.’

Leal is yet to speak out publicly about the alleged incident but she has already retained a high powered attorney. He has so far declined to respond to any media calls about his client.

She is reportedly letting it be known that she won't 'spill the beans' on Kutcher for less than $250,000, but is hoping she will receive a similar offer from Kutcher to fade away.


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