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Blogger's Block!


Hello my lovelies, it's been a little while since my last post. Ok so it's only been a couple of weeks but to me it feels much longer. You know when you're ill, you've got a sore throat and you begin to lose your voice? Well, I've come down with a serious case of Bloggeritis right now and my voice is croaking more than a 60 year old barmaid who's smoked 30 a day for the past 40-odd years.

I'm starting to feel that the blogging community has become a bit like Eastenders, not because of all the drama and back-stabbing, but because Eastenders has been running almost thirty years and you begin to wonder how? I mean, it's the same stories constantly regurgitated just with different faces. Classic case? Ian Beale. How many times has he been married? For me blogging has become a little bit like that, the constant regurgitation of the same old stuff.

I don't feel like I'm regurgitating the same old stuff, I feel that most of the blogging world is just going round in pointless, never ending circles. There are too many blogs that not only add nothing to the community, they actually detract from it. There's a basic lack of creativity or ingenuity and I'm flooded with 'reviews' that barely last three paragraphs. Three paragraphs?!! Are we at primary school here?

'I like the sun. It is nice. It makes me feel warm.'

 Just for the record, there are plenty of fantastic blogs out there and I'm actually seeing a lot of newbies entering the scene offering something fresh and something different, which in turn inspires me to keep my own blog fresh! My gripe is really with the kind of blog that clearly lacks spark or passion for the chosen subject.

Aside from that, it's just been too gloomy (and windy) up north to even consider taking photos, having said that we are slowly crawling towards spring so there'll be more natural light and hopefully less wind and rain!

So why am I writing this post? Well I woke up today thinking: 'Fuck the wind, fuck the rain, fuck the blogger's block. I'm doing a post.' This one's just to ease me back in to the swing of things, to beat the block. And actually, I think it might have worked... ;)


I'm teasing you all a little with this photo, I'll be posting an OOTD featuring this beautiful dress in the near future. I just cannot get over how stunning, and original, it is!


 I also created this new look for my eyes, it wasn't intentional but it matches up with the dress perfectly!


You can just about make out my eyeshadow here, but more importantly check out my darling Wilhelmina pretending that she doesn't want to kiss me.

Just by way of a little update, Illamasqua featured me on their Instagram account a couple of weeks ago! I was surprised and thrilled by this but I got a few nasty comments! A few haters focused on my eyebrows being too close together, I wasn't bothered because that's just the way my brows are, but I was a little taken aback by this as I don't understand how anyone following Illamasqua could be so vile! I got talking to another blogger called Jayne who also experienced something similar when she was featured there too. It's particularly shocking to me given Illamasqua's continued support for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, I wonder if these girls even know of this tragedy?

Either way, I'll be back soon with some new posts in the coming weeks. And yeah, I'll be keeping my eyebrows just the way they are... ;)



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