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Oops I Did It Again

It's been a long ol' time since I posted something on this blog. I've been slightly more active on my other blog, Izzy K, over the last few months. But due to exams I've kinda neglected the world of reviewing products so I wasn't as active on this blog as I'd like to have been.

So yes, I did it again, I changed the name of my blog. It was only a slight change from "Izzy K: Reviews & More" to this one. You may think that it wasn't even worthwhile me posting this but I thought it was time to post something on here just to let everyone know I'll be back to writing my normal posts next week. And I though that the "chats" fits in better with the theme of this blog because all I really do here is just have a little natter with you guys.

So here was my little update post which was totally worthwhile me writing (note the sarcasm). Thanks for reading if you did haha,

Izzy K xxx

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