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--- Team 1000 ---

It's not often I post anything personal on my blog, so sorry if you really don't want to know! I just wanted to take the time to let EVERYONE know about Raise the Roof Kenya and a new project we have set up called Team 1000.

Raise the Roof Kenya was set up by a friend of mine (Holly Bantleman), who went travelling in 2010 at the age of 22 and came back from Kenya determind to raise enough money to be able to provide tin roofing for people living on a landfill with no proper shelter or food in Nakuru. (Read more about it here).

Last Summer I set up a project called Chariteatowel (if you haven't already visited the Facebook page and "liked" it then do so NOW! ...thank you!...) and we have already gained the support of Adele, Olly Murs, Jools Holland, Tim Minchin and many others... The stars have drawn and donated self portraits to be printed on teatowels in a similar idea to teatowel projects you may have taken part in at primary school. 100% of all money made by the sale of these teatowels and subsequent auction of original drawings will go to Raise the Roof Kenya.

I know so many people are asking for money or sponsorship or donations or time at the moment, so the Team 1000 idea is to keep it very simple.

We are asking 1000 people to raise £100 over 100 days.
(You can register NOW - the 100 days start on 1st June - 8th September 2012)

The proceeds from this project will go towards building the Barut Development Centre in Nakuru, Kenya. 

"7 out of 10 children in Barut have never received secondary education.
The Barut Development Centre will be a lifeline in the form of a trade school, community centre and sports ground for the people of Barut and others who have never had such opportunity before.
The unique focus will be towards the older children who will learn vocational skills to live sustainably in the future. It will also provide a critical hub for an entire community to come together and enjoy events, receive medical treatment and attend evening classes." 

Read more about the project here

So, £100 over 100 days, any way you want
  • Hold a bake sale at work/school/college/university
  • Have a garage/garden/yard sale
  • Do a car boot sale
  • Save £1 a day for the £00 days
  • Have a whip round at work at the end of each week
  • Ask 100 people to give you a £1
  • Ask 200 people to give you 50p
  • Organise a sponsored challenge - walk/run/bike ride
  • Raffle
  • Auction
  • Car wash
  • Sell some unwanted clothes/items on ebay
  • .........

It really is such a simple idea.
As I said before, my blog is not really the place I would usually post about this but I think it is such a great project 

If you want to get involved, have any questions or just have a great idea for how someone could raise £100 in 100 days then please leave me a comment

Thanks so much for reading

Jo xxx

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