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VERY Quick e.l.f. Update

Just thought I'd post this in all of it's glory for you guys to see. Brittany is my godsister, by the way.

More lies from the company.

It was refunded, eh? Really? That's funny. I never got any money back. And also, the girl who first commented... they'll send it to me? Really? That's funny too.

I sent the following email to customer service about an hour ago:

It reads:
"Dear whoever sent me this email that doesn't have the courtesy to sign off on it,

You have NOT refunded my credit card. You CHARGED my credit card for items that were not sent to me. That is fraud and illegal under not just Visa's laws, but also the FTC Trade Laws. I was charged $45.65, and the only items I was not charged for were the nail polishes.

Another correction to your email: They ARE NOT out of stock. Customers are able to order the Radiance Enhancers right now on the website. If that is incorrect, you need to adjust your system to reflect that as allowing someone to pay for something you don't have in stock is also fraudulent.

I would like my 2 Sunrise Radiance Enhancers and my Spotlight Radiance Enhancers shipped by your company to me by the end of business on Friday, July 22, 2011.

I would also like a refund on the 2 Gunmetal Shimmer Eyeliners that I ordered that you do not have in stock. That means another refund of $0.60 is due to my account.

If this problem is not solved to my satisfaction, I WILL be filing a report with Visa fraud protection, the FTC and the Better Business Bureau. What you have done is illegal. You cannot legally charge someone for items that you never had any intention on sending. They were out of stock when you charged my card, and therefore I should have never been charged. Now that I have been, I want what I paid for

Wendy Dunlap
Also, please see the blog post I have done about your company and it's questionable business practices. I will take this to the news if I have to.

Oh man... this is getting interesting.

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