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Grace & Stella Co. Luxurious Foot Peeling Mask (warning: peeling feet pics!)

Hello, Beautiful!

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! If you are grossed out by feet, especially peeling skin from feet, then you may want to exit this post and move on to something happier (like puppies playing with babies). But if you can stomach a few foot pics, this post is totally worth your time and attention.

Also, I have a sweet 60% off coupon for you guys! Just follow this link: graceandstella.com/60-off-special-offer

Grace & Stella Co.
Luxurious Foot Peeling Mask

This is the Grace & Stella Co. Luxurious Foot Peeling Mask, which comes in this sealed packet:

All your instructions and precautions are on the back of the packet:

Inside you'll find your plastic booties, filled with a goo... gooties, as I call them.

They are connected together in the center. I used scissors to cut them. There are also adhesive tabs, but I found them pretty useless, to be honest.

 Since I found the adhesive tabs to be useless, I ended up taking packing tape and wrapping around my ankles to keep them on. They are a one-size-fits-all style, and I wear a size 9, so I'm pretty confident these will fit nearly all foot sizes (the smaller the foot, the more bootie baggage you'll have).

Even though you're not supposed to walk around, I still needed to get from my beauty room (where I photograph all my blog pictures) to my bedroom (where my netflix lives), so I threw on regular socks over top. In fact, I believe they recommend adding your own socks on top (it creates extra warmth to help the goo inside the booties absorb). Sorry for the mis-matched socks.. I just reached in my sock drawer (which hasn't been organized in months) and these are the two I pulled out. Not like I was making a fashion statement or headed out the door in these.

The next step, prop your feet up for an hour.

During the hour these were on my feet I went through a few instances were I noticed an increased warming sensation - but it was never anything that burned or irritated my feet. There were also some tingling sensations felt. It all was very strange, but oddly enough enjoyed it. 

They say not to walk around for your safety - and depending on your flooring and if you chose to put socks on over top, I can see where safety could be an issue. The goo inside makes it pretty difficult to walk around without feeling like you are sliding. But it's not like it's impossible to walk in them. I even got up to use the bathroom at one point in these. It just feels weird and obviously don't run like an idiot on freshly mopped hardwood floors. 

After an hour, you are to remove (and dispose of) the plastic booties filled with goo and then rinse your feet off. Simple enough.

After rinsing them there is no change in the way your feet look. This foot peeling mask takes a few days before you start seeing results.... but boy oh boy will you see results. It can take a week before you notice anything.

A few days passes, I think it was three days in my circumstance, I kind of had forgotten about the foot mask. I woke up that morning, and without ever looking at my feet, threw on my sneakers and headed to the dog park with my dog for an early morning walk. About an hour and a half later I came home and sat down, took off my shoes and screamed out loud. Not even kidding; I really did scream out loud when I saw my feet, because for a brief second my brain did not register that the foot peeling mask had begun working and instead sent thoughts that somehow my foot had been hacked up by some disease or something. Yeah. Totally dramatic but that was my reaction. After maybe 2 seconds I calmed down when I realized, oh, the foot peeling mask has begun... and I say begun because for a week after it was non-stop skin peeling for me.

As you will see in the photos below, these were taken the first day I noticed that my skin was peeling.

I know. Crazy right? Here's a few more pics...

Assuming you are now either totally grossed out, or completely fascinated, rest assured there are no more photos in the rest of this post. Simply for the fact I didn't take after photos because stupid me forgot to take a before photo.

HOWEVER, even without before and after photos - which would simply show a before, must-in-need of a pedicure foot with dry skin, to an after photo with a perfectly smoothed foot - I think the most IMPORTANT part of this post is to who the peeling process.

THIS WORKS. Simple as that. My feet were very smooth and healthy looking by the end of it all. And they have remained that way for over a month now with no additional care (not counting applying lotion to them, but I did not apply any foot creams or use my Emjoi Micro-Pedi for over a month. I wanted to see if this mask would give lasting results, and it did.

Real quick, I want to point something out that I didn't really think about:


Not only should you reserve a solid hour to just sit back and let this mask work, but more importantly, you need to think about the following two weeks after you do the mask, and possibly even slightly longer. You don't know exactly when this mask will start peeling your feet. It could be three days (like in my case) or five to seven days later (like in many cases that I have read). Once they start peeling, the peeling process lasts at least a week. It's not as intense the whole time, but your feet will look not-so-pretty for awhile.

It's summer here when I did this, and that means flip flop season. I couldn't wear open-toe, open-back, or flip flop type shoes for awhile. I mean, I could, but I looked like something was wrong with me. I still went out in sandals a few times because some days it was just too hot to care.

Also, do not peel the skin yourself. You have to let it naturally fall off. That's very important because if you peel the skin yourself you could actually hurt yourself or even damage your skin. Trust me, it will come off on its own one way or another.

If after reading all that, you want to try this mask, then check out the info below. I have a coupon code too (since they were nice enough to send me one of these masks to try out).

Grace & Stella Co. Info & Review
Cost: $24.95 regular price - but CLICK HERE to get 60% off!!
My Rating: 5 out of 5 Kisses!!!!

Now let me know what you think...
What do you think of this foot peeling mask? Have you tried this, or would you consider adding this to your beauty wish list? Discuss in the comments below!

xoxo with love & beauty,
Crystal Valentine

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. However, these products were sent to me for consideration. I am not being paid to make this post, nor has the company influenced me in any way. I have made this post because I wanted to, not because I had to. These are my honest opinions, thoughts and experiences.

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