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School can only teach you so much. But the biggest chunk of your learning is from your real- life experiences. Our professors have only taught us the numbers and terms. But if we ask ourselves, did they really teach us how to apply these and make these work? If we think they did, how come we still don't have the things we have always dreamed of? Why are we still stuck on dreaming?

Experience is his greatest teacher. John Calub got most of what he knows from real- life success stories, and this is how he encourages everyone to live the life they want through his success coaching seminars.

A lot of you might be raising eyebrows and asking yourselves: "Who the hell is this John Calub guy? Who does he think he is, teaching people how to become successful?"

To give you a brief background, John Calub is one of the Philippines' #1 life coaches alongside Francis Kong and Bro. Bo Sanchez. To give you an idea how credible this person is, he has recently earned 6 million pesos in his 1- day seminar entitled "Attracting Wealth". I bet we all couldn't imagine earning at least 100,000php per day. But this guy did. And he earned more than a million. So you guys should relax those eyebrows now because I'm telling you, this guy is friggin' rich!

John Calub attended a seminar of Jack Canfield (author of the New York Times bestseller 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' book series) in 2006 in high hopes of learning how to regain at least a bit of money for himself. And since then, his life had a 360- degree turn. He has earned more than enough. He rose from his impoverished disposition to owning a BMW sports car 2 months after the seminar, and becoming a multi- millionaire in less than 2 years. Sounds complete BS right? Yup. That's how it was to me. But when I attended one of his seminars, damn, I wished I knew him 3 years ago! He currently started a group composed of his first- ever students. And guess what? They're all millionaires. I got a chance to meet Sir Peter, the president of the group and one of his first students, who apparently owns a chain of gasoline stations.

Believe me, I'm not the type who will go to Life seminars. You know, those seminars that teach you how to live a better life. I mean c'mon, we all have our own strategies in living the life that we want. And I have realized that this is the biggest mistake a person can make. I have learned that all wealthy people share common beliefs, adhered to the same systems, and practiced the same principles. And these principles are timeless, ancient, and tried and tested. Yes, THE PRINCIPLES ALWAYS WORK.

John Calub compiled his 14 years worth of training and sales experience, and the principles of the greatest salesmen and entrepreneurs in the world including Jack Canfield, Ben Feldman (the world's greatest insurance agent), and Tom Feldman (greatest real estate dealer, having sold 364 houses in 365 days). He has also attended a 400,00php worth of seminar and training from successful entrepreneurs in the U.S.A. This seminar teaches you the most powerful words to use when doing a sales talk, ways how to close a transaction, how to reject rejections, how to turn prospects into clients, and reasons why you shouldn't use the words "Price", "Downpayment", etc., and why people would really think twice when you tell them to "SIGN" a contract.

The seminar is from 1-5pm at the SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City on Saturday, August 20, 2011. This is his last Ultramagnetic Selling seminar for this year. I had a chance to attend the first one last Saturday. And boy, I really got A TON of good stuff out of it. As I've said, I'm not a fan of blogging about stuff that don't interest me. The fact that I blogged about this seminar means that this is something really worthwhile. I'm glad I spent 5 hours sitting there, and improved my selling skills by 300%. On an average, it will take you at least 2-3 years to up your game in selling/marketing if you do not seek advice from mentors, as compared to someone who's in the habit of seeking advice from mentors, and ups his/her game by 300% every mentor that he/she speaks with. You want to earn the commission you've always wanted? You want to sell more than what you're selling now? Do you want to at least close a deal per day in real estate? Do you want your prospects to say yes to you? Do you want to start a super successful business? If your answers are a RESOUNDING 'YES', then this might be the only seminar that you'll ever need.

Okay. As of the moment, I bet this is already sold out. Last Saturday, there were around more than 2000 people who came, and only around 1700-1800 were accommodated. The tickets were sold out---TWICE! And believe it or not, people came all the way from Visayas and Mindanao just to catch his 5- hour seminar. Yes, that's how in- demand this guy is.

I managed to get hold of 20 tickets because I really want to share this blessing to my readers and the people I know. I wish I can all get you in and pay for your tickets, but I'm still on my way to my multi- million bank account. :) But don't worry. Being grounded with the principles of wealth, John Calub does not sell ridiculously overpriced tickets, as opposed to those life coaching seminars that will cost you an arm and limb, but only teach you things that you already know. The tickets are discounted from 4,000php to 500php. Yes, that's how he wants people to become super successful like him. The 500php ticket is inclusive of a training manual that you can take home, merienda, and a certificate. Like what I've said, I hope I could treat you all, but I am still working the principles. It's only 500php. I want you guys to experience this so bad, so I'm more than willing to meet you personally and hand you the ticket, or ship it to your house ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.

You might be asking yourselves why I'm hard selling this. I have to admit that he's granting a free pass to his Ultramagnetic Persuasion seminar to those who can sell at least 10 tickets plus freebies, and I want to win one. Yep, that's how addicting his seminars are. And secondly, I am damn serious when I tell you that you will really benefit from this seminar. If I'm just in for the sale, I could've priced each at 800- 1000php and kept the rest as my commission, but I didn't. If you do not get anything substantial from this seminar, I'll gladly return your 500 bucks. Yes, that's how much I believe in this seminar. I'm offering a money- back if you didn't learn from this (I'm sure you won't return your money because it is a guaranteed life- changing experience).

As of this writing, I only have ten tickets left. You see, this is proof that this guy really helps change lives. So if you're hesitating and thinking "Oh, that might be sold out by now so I wouldn't bother asking.", then you're already losing your game. Successful people always ask. You'll end up in the same situation anyway if you ask or don't ask. But if you ASK, there's a chance that you will get what you want (This is a preview of his seminar. Amazing right?). So if you're really interested, you can text or email me and ask if I still have tickets left. And if you really want it and would like to bring more people, I can TRY to get you more tickets. :)

For transparency, please do not think that I am just selling this 'cos I want the freebies. I wouldn't bother creating a well- thought of post for this one if I just want to get rid of all the tickets, and I would've probably stopped selling the remaining 10 just because I previously sold 10 (the minimum). Me helping you get the most out of your inner wisdom comes first, and the ultra magnetic persuasion pass and freebies come in second.

What is 500php if you will earn 5 million pesos right after this seminar? I'm telling you guys, this is a wise investment. It is never a mistake to invest in your skills. If you're telling yourselves that you'll think it over, you'll still arrive in the same conclusion that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, even if you think about if for 10 minutes, 10 days, or 10 years. And by then, this seminar is already gone. It only takes a minute to decide. If you're serious about changing your life, you will not think twice. What this seminar means to you is, that you'll make the most out of your skills and you will be on your way to living the life that you have always dreamed of.

10 tickets left. 500php each. So email me at martha.stabarbara@yahoo.com or text me at

0917 849 5018. :)


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