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The Lo Down - The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F***

Hey Guys and Dolls,

I recently bought the book, The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*** and I thought I'd share my thoughts with you guys. Sorry if you your a bit offended by the name but clearly it is what it is. I myself am always stressed out and care too much at times I suffer with anxiety so I thought I'd give this book a read. I think we always can overly care about things alot which isn't a bad thing but I thought I'd read this book to see if I could care about things maybe a bit less and focus on myself that little bit more.
I bought this book in Easons on special offer and the minute I saw it I knew I had to buy it. It's such a easy and interesting read so I'm glad I did. It's layed out well and there's so many great tips in there. Major kudos to   who wrote this, no wonder this book is doing so well it's really good and insightful.
I know another one of her books has just launched and it's pretty much the same idea so I'm definitely going to pick it up next week in Easons and let you know what I think.

I was super impressed with this book and it definitely has helped me care a little bit less about stressful things that are going on in my life right now which is a good things.


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