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Skincare Tips for Great Skin!

Recently my skin has been very nice to me, which is always a good thing! I've been doing the same thing with the skin for a while now, so (fingers crossed) I think I've got some sort of routine that works for me! This is quite a different post for me, I have never actually studied 'beauty' and I'm not claiming to know much about skincare, as well..I don't! But this little routine has been working for me recently so if you give a few of these tips a go and they work, brill! 

Tip 1: I've been avoiding makeup wipes and making an effort to use a hydrating makeup remover, and man I'm never going back to wipes! I'm currently using Nivea Double Effect!  In the past, I've used Clinque 'Take the day off' which is nice too...does this call for a comparison post?

Tip 2: Drink some nice fruit tea! I hate Green Tea, which sucks because it's super good for you! So I've tried to drink more green tea..but with some nicer fruiter flavours!

Tip 3: Drink more water!!

Tip 4: Putting a really thick layer of a rich mousiter on just before a showering has made my skin super soft and hydrated

Tip 5: Lush's Cosmic Warrior..I have never been so impressed with a product after only one use! I'll be doing a whole review on this so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Tip 6: Make your own exfoliant. I make mine with sugar, lemon juice and garlic puree. I don't know if its the fact it's got no crappy chemicals in..but this has really been working for me! 

Tip 7: Pore strips! I don't quite know why I've never tried this before! 

Keep your eyes peeled for some more 'skin care' posts coming up very soon! 

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