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Monthly Favourites | March

No word of a lie, I actually had to check what month it is just then. Is it really April? Cripes. March was indeed a bit of a toughie for me.  Those of you who read my blog on a regular basis may have noticed that my usual blogging schedule went a little topsy-turvy. As the type of person who likes a bit of routine in her life, you can only begin to imagine how much this made my eye twitch with nervousness... however, that ugly, black cloud that some like to call 'the dissertation' is now handed in and I'm slowly starting to get my life back. Wahey! Hopefully, Bird's Words won't be so empty this month - I had visions of seeing tumbleweed bouncing across my blogger homepage if it carried on much longer...

Nevertheless, amidst all that time sat at my laptop referencing clever folk and trying to make myself sound somewhat well spoken (anyone else find themselves shocked at just how many 'therefore's and 'furthermore's seem to spill out when you start typing anything for uni?!) - I've still found the odd bit of time here and there to find myself some new favourites.  Here's what I uncovered last month...

Elizabeth Arden | Eight Hour Lip Cream*
Admittedly, this is a fairly new discovery for me and I've only really been using it religiously over the past couple of weeks, but Elizabeth Arden's 8 Hour lip cream has become my go-to lip balm for March.  Ok, so it doesn't last the 8 hours - I shan't lie - but its a very good little tin of balm nonetheless.  I find it much more moisturising than similar products I have in my collection and it's really smooth and soft.  It also smells really fresh and pretty. It does absorb and sink in pretty quick, which is what makes me a little dubious to the 8-hour claim but I find that i have to apply balm much less often when I use this - must be doing some good! I have to say, it does moisturise them very well. I'm not sure if I'd go out and repurchase but it's a nice product to have in my handbag and on my bedside table.

Rimmel Lipstick in 'Undressed'
Ohhh what's a monthly favourites if there isn't a lipstick in there somewhere? This month, I've really gotten into nudes again.  But I've definitely switched up and away from the typical nudes I'd usually wear and gone for something a little more, dare I say, 'grown up'. At 23, that seems a little silly to say - but I've really been getting into brown-ish hues and darker nudes as opposed to milkier ones (not that I was ever into 'concealer lips' but you get what I'm trying to say...) I've really been loving this offering from Rimmel - so much so that I reckon I've worn it almost every day throughout the month.  It's such a lovely colour - it's ever so slightly darker than my lips so when I wear it it still looks like I'm wearing a lipstick as opposed to a tint or a nude balm - and it provides a great deal of definition.  I've had quite a few people ask me about my lipstick this month too - so it must be a good'un! I've also been a fan of Mac's 'Half and Half' which is ridiculously similar (Mac's is a tad darker) - if you're after a dupe - head on over to the Rimmel stand!

Deep Steep | Moisture Stick in 'Lavender and Chamomile'*
I mentioned this in my Love Me Beauty box post earlier in the month and mentioned how intrigued I was (post here).   It's fast become one of my new favourite products to reach for and I've found it so, so handy to have.  For some reason, around this time of year, my skin always seems to go a little itchy and irritable - I always seem to be allergic to something in the air around March time! This moisture stick is so useful - you simply just twist up and apply to skin - you don't really even have to rub it in (i do, but you could get away without it...) It's so simple to use and completely mess free so you can moisturise on the go without looking like a loon with a tin of body butter on the bus.  I tend to use it most on the tops of my arms and it provides instant moisture relief, at the same time as keeping your skin feeling soft through the day. Love it.

Dove | Purely Pampering Body Butter (Shea Butter & Warm Vanilla)
Speaking of body butter... Here's another one! Why do I always seem to have a body butter in my favourites? Nothing like realising you feature one every month to highlight just how quick you get through the stuff, is there?  I threw this one in my basket on a complete whim a couple of weeks ago.  I wanted to cut down on the fragranced stuff whilst my skin has been so sensitive and try something a little different. Dove always seems to be a winner for subtle scents so I opted for this one. I can't quite bring myself to use an un-scented product (such a girl...) so I thought this one would be perfect as it's not overpowering.  Firstly, the scent is beautiful - it's very light - but it's got a hint of sweet-ness to it. Secondly, the consistency is gorgeous - really thick and creamy - think Soap & Glory's Righteous Butter but even more so.  It's so dreamy - honestly, grab a tub! I'm so glad I walked past it and decided to take a chance - it's a definite re-purchase.

Eyelure | Naturalites in '020'
These have to be my most re-purchased lashes ever.  I know what you're thinking - but there's nothing to them? Maybe so. But that's exactly why I like them.  They look so natural and blend in to your real lashes so they're almost completely undetectable. They add that little bit of extra volume and thickness without looking like you're actually wearing falsies.  You know when you have one of those mornings when your mascara just doesn't sit right... (no? surely it can't just be me...) these lashes are perfect for those moments. They're super light and I often forget I'm wearing them. I much prefer wearing these to big, dramatic lashes now.  Honestly, give them a go. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Natural looking false lashes so under-rated.

Sanctuary Spa | 'Relax' Reed Diffuser
Yep. That's right. A reed diffuser. I'm aware it's not exactly the most exciting product in the world, nor is it beauty related but it's something I've been loving this month regardless. I'm a sucker for any 'relaxation' product.  This offering from Sanctuary is just the ticket - it smells beautiful - almost oriental - and it isn't overpowering either.  I catch the odd whiff of it when I'm sitting in bed or getting ready of a morning and I just love it. I can't really say much more about it other than it looks pretty sitting on my dresser and it makes my bedroom feel like my own little relaxation haven. Definitely going to re-purchase it as soon as it runs out - although judging by the size of the bottle, I doubt that will be anytime in the near future...

 What have you been loving this month? Any of my favourites tickle your fancy?

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